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Superior Generator Sales & Installation in NY

Generac Logo

When your primary power source fails, a backup generator can give your property energy. Stone Electric offers generator installation in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, NY and surrounding areas. We’ve provided electrical services to our communities and built a reputation for excellence. When you need a generator installed, you want trusted professionals on the job. Our approach is careful and thorough. You can count on our hard work, expertise, and customer satisfaction to give your property optimal results.

At Stone Electric, we carry a large selection of the highest-quality backup generators from Generac, a reputable brand that you can count on. Our knowledgeable, experienced technicians can help you select the perfect model to meet your specific needs. We understand the importance of power and we’ve made it our mission to ensure that Long Island property owners never have to worry about going without it.

Generac Generator

Why Do I Need a Generator?

Reasons to Invest in a Generator When severe weather strikes, power is usually one of the first things to go. Being stuck without power for an extended period of time isn’t only inconvenient, but it can be extremely dangerous, which is why an emergency backup power supply is one of the most important investments you can make. With Stone Electric’s generator installation in Nassau County, you’ll be able to keep your electronics and appliances running, prevent your food from spoiling, stay comfortable in your home or business with a functioning HVAC system, ensure the safety and well-being of your loved ones, and keep your business running.

Don’t let power outages bring life to a screeching halt! You can count on Stone Electric to provide dependable residential and commercial generator installation services so that you can keep your home or business running after the next storm.

Comprehensive Generator Services for Your Property

At Stone Electric, we carry a large selection of the highest quality backup generators in Nassau and Suffolk Counties from Generac, a reputable brand that you can count on. Our knowledgeable, experienced technicians can help you select the perfect model to meet your specific needs. We understand the importance of power and we’ve made it our mission to ensure that Long Island property owners never have to worry about going without it.


We carry and install leading Generac® We'll help you select the perfect make and model for your property.


We provide minor, complex, and emergency repairs for Generac® generators, ensuring you have heat and comfort to get you through the winter.

Why Hire Stone Electric for Generator Installation?

When it comes to electricity, hiring a professionally trained, experienced professional is always your best bet. Generator installation is complex and even a minor mistake could spell major disaster. In order to avoid the risk of property damage, costly repairs, and personal injuries, and to ensure the best results possible, rely on a certified, licensed, and insured electrician for your generator installation needs. With more than two decades of working experience, Stone Electric has the knowledge and hands-on experience you can count on to deliver top-quality results. We carry the most advanced backup generator systems and we offer customized solutions that are based on the unique needs of each property owner. Our highly skilled electricians will assist you with choosing the right generator for your home or business, and using the most cutting-edge techniques and proven strategies, will make sure that your backup power supply is properly installed. In short, when you choose us, you can rest assured that, whatever the weather, you’ll always have access to safe, reliable power.

Why Trust Stone Electric for Generator Installation

  • Free, On-Site Consultations: We offer complimentary, on-site consultations. One of our knowledgeable and experienced electricians will perform a full power analysis and will provide customized solutions based on your unique needs.
  • Certified, Licensed, and Insured: Our electricians are professionally trained and adhere to the most stringent safety protocols. For your peace of mind, we’re also fully insured.
  • One Call Does It All: Permits, installation, and plumbing; at Stone Electric, we’ll handle all aspects of your generator installation in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. All you need to do is get in touch with us and our dedicated electricians will take care of everything else.

Stone Electric


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Contact Us for a Free Estimate Today!