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Electric Car Charger Installation in NY

The automotive industry is changing to become more efficient, eco-friendly, and sustainable. Stone Electric innovates homes and businesses by providing electric car charger installation in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, NY and surrounding areas. We comprise licensed and certified electricians equipped with the latest tools and technology to perform quality repairs and maintenance. We use our years of experience, skills, and knowledge to provide comprehensive services to our customers. You can rely on us to make your commercial or residential property better for the environment and provide services to your complete satisfaction.

EV Charging Station Installation in Long Island, NY

Providing Innovative EV Charger Solutions

Our team provides EV charger installations for residential and commercial properties. As demand for electric vehicles increases, having reliable energy sources for them at home and work is crucial. We help homeowners and their businesses go green. We provide installation and maintenance for the following:

  • 110V Station: A low-power charger giving electric vehicles five driving miles per hour.
  • 240V Station: A medium-power charger that provides 25 driving miles per hour.
  • 480V Station: The EV charger with the most power, ideal for gas stations, supermarkets, and shopping centers.

Why Should I Choose a Home EV Charger?

Vehicle manufacturers are boosting their electric car production and giving home and business owners more incentives to install chargers on their property. Many people are requesting EV charger installations because they are:


Having EV chargers installed on your property will help your sustainability efforts immensely.


EV charging costs much less than gas and provides property owners with a wide range of tax incentives and rebates.

Valuable to Businesses

Businesses with EV chargers attract more customers because they can charge their cars while enjoying their services.

Are You Purchasing an Electric Car Soon?

Buying and driving an electric vehicle are among the most beneficial things you can do for yourself and the environment. By having an EV charger installed on your property, you can charge your car overnight. When you head out for work in the morning, your car will be completely ready to drive. Stone Electric partners with innovative brands to bring homeowners top quality. You’ll receive a durable, long-lasting EV charger that keeps your vehicle powered for years.

Stone Electric


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Contact Us for a Free Estimate Today!