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Smart Home Installation Services

If you are notorious for leaving the air conditioner blasting while you are away or frequently forgetting to lock up the garage, a smart home system installation may be for you. Discover efficiency, comfort, and convenience with Stone Electric. We provide full-service smart home installation services on Long

Power Your Property with Excellence

As a local, family-owned, and operated company backed by decades of expertise, Stone Electric is Long Island, NY’s premier choice for comprehensive electrical services. With advanced training and proven skills, we’re here to power your residential or commercial property with excellence. From minor repairs to complex upgrades and smart home installation, we do it all.

Understanding Smart Home Systems

Smart home systems integrate the functions of two or more electrical devices into one user-friendly control panel. This enables property owners to control various systems remotely via a smartphone or tablet. These systems may include a number of modern electronics and appliances, such as cooling, heating, security systems, and more.

Home Installation Services on Long Island, NY

The Role of Smart Home Installation

Smart home system installation provides property owners with an efficient way to organize and control their smart home technologies. These systems are entirely customizable and tailored to the property owner’s specific objectives and smart home technology. With remote accessibility, these systems can allow for greater home temperature control, entertainment, security, and much more.

The Benefits of Smart Home Installation

Smart home installation is an investment in your quality of life. These systems open the door to a wealth of benefits, including:

  • Enhanced energy efficiency
  • Reduced utility costs
  • Improved indoor temperature control
  • Greater electronic entertainment capabilities
  • Remote access to your smart home devices
  • Simple, user-friendly smartphone application
  • Customizable and adaptable

Welcome Energy Efficiency & Cost-Savings

Temperature control is important to maintain the year-round comfort of your home. However, leaving your HVAC running while you are out can contribute to unnecessary utility costs. To secure energy efficiency and cost savings without compromising on indoor comfort, opt for a smart home installation with Stone Electric and embrace remote temperature control access and unwavering comfort.

Optimize Home Security & Safety

Smart home system installation can be programmed to include an array of smart home security devices. At Stone Electric, we can integrate smart outdoor cameras, doorbells, and other safety features into your system. This enables you to enhance your property’s protection while maintaining access to your home’s cameras and security features while you are away.

Maximize Home Entertainment

In the era of modern technology, virtually any electronic entertainment system can be included in a smart home installation. Maximize the impact of sports and movies with integrative smart televisions or set the ambiance for your gatherings with smart home lighting features. We can even amplify your dinner party hosting capabilities with smart ovens, stoves, and refrigerators.

Comprehensive Smart Home Installation Services

With Stone Electric, the smart home panel installation possibilities are endless. Our professionals are equipped to hardwire a multitude of smart home devices directly to your electrical system, or we can develop a tailored remote smart home infrastructure. With meticulous attention to detail and a personalized approach, we ensure seamless installations that boast unrivaled value.

Customizable Smart Home Installation Options

We customize our smart home installation services to each customer’s needs. Our experts are here to collaborate with you to curate an individualized smart home system installation with features including but not limited to:

  • Climate control
  • Lighting features
  • Security systems and camera surveillance
  • Multimedia and entertainment systems
  • Automated pool and spa systems

Choose Stone Electric for Your Smart Home Installation

Stone Electric is committed to the highest standards of quality service and sets the standard for smart home installation. Our licensed and insured professionals prioritize hands-on customer service, premium parts, and the best industry practices. With decades of expertise, count on us to transcend satisfaction with results that exceed your expectations.

Let’s Discuss Your Smart Home Panel Installation

If you’re ready to tap into seamless smart home function and remote access to your electronics and appliances, you’ve come to the right place. Embrace improved climate control, energy efficiency, convenience, and comfort with Stone Electric. To schedule a consultation or learn more, contact our friendly team today.

Stone Electric


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Contact Us for a Free Estimate Today!